Why is it always racism?
So, as some of you may or may not have heard, the NBA instituted a dress policy for it's players.
I do think this is a very good idea. It is their job and they should have to dress appropriately.
However, whether or not I think it is a good idea is irrelevant for the purpose of this post. My gripe is how certain people are handling this dress policy, specifically some media and players.
It is the opinion of some players and media that this institution of dress policy is a racist act. Now it is hard to argue that the NBA's player population is mostly black. So, this decision to institute a dress policy affects more black people than white people. However, how is this any different than any other job anyone might have. There are many occupations where there is a dress code. Where I work there is a dress code that happens to be very similar to the one the NBA is instating (business casual). My boss tells me that I have to dress a certain way so I do, or I would get fired. Since my boss pays me I respect his decision and dress a certain way when I go to work. I don't really see much problem with this scenario.
Certain media and NBA players see it differently, they view it as Upper class white men trying to hold them down. This is just ludicrous. To think that the powers that be in the NBA have some hidden agenda to hold down those people who carry the sport and create the entertainment that people pay handsome sums for. Sure this dress policy is hindering the player's expression, but it does not prevent these players from wearing whatever they want on their own time. Also, do those who object realize that this dress policy also affects the white players?
There has been issues like this that have come up fairly often is the past few years. I hate to use the NBA as an example again, but last year during CBA negotiations the players union was objecting to the league instituting an age minimum. The union argued that the league was trying to keep young black players from cashing in at a young age. Now, it is my opinion, and one that is shared by many, that the league's motivation to institute this age limit was to improve quality of play in the league. Ratings for nationally televised games had dropped significantly since Michael Jordan retired. The strange thing is that the union did not really consider the fact that their population is mostly black and that when an 18 year old athlete enters the league(he is most likely black), he is taking the roster spot of a 25-35 year old player who is most likely black.
Instead of having a debate on the merits of a certain issue, people end up arguing over racial issues when in reality, there is no racial issue to discuss. Now I am not too naive to think that we live in a perfect society where there is no racism. I know there are plenty of racists out there as well as sexists and anti-semites and many other people who discriminate in a malicious fashion. But we have come a long way since the 1800s and a long way since the 1950s. Things have changed for the better and although it is a work in process, crying race at every little thing is more a setback than anything.
Alright, I guess that is the end of my rant for now. I'll be back with more tomorrow probably. Most likely on a not so controversial topic. Maybe I'll take about my favorite show of .... ever. But more on that tomorrow.
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